Wednesday 19 February 2014


I can't believe it was four years today
When we got to hold you briefly, then they took you away
I never thought I would ever be happy
I would have done anything even changed your nappy
When we said goodbye a piece of me died
Still to this day there's incredible pain inside
But you also taught me lots of valuable things
To actually focus on the positives each day brings
To be a better man, husband and friend
To look for new beginnings and not just the end
To not be scared and live for today
To not work all the time, its ok to play
To give of myself with no ulterior plan
To not always be right but want to understand
To have a real purpose and keep these things dear
And to face what will come without any fear
The biggest lesson I've learned and this is my pact
Is I have no control on what happens but I do how I react
As it is in those reactions that our future is fashioned
And with this new belief I again live life with a passion
I'm not going to look back anymore and live with regret
Without you and what happened Lily and James we would have never met
Happy birthday sweetheart you're always in my heart
You may have been taken early you but we can never be apart...
